Contact HSV

We are here to help

Simply fill in the form with your query and a member from our team will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can view a range of FAQs below.

For general HSV Parts & Servicing enquiries, please contact your nearest HSV Parts & Service Centre. HSV Head Office hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm (AEST/AEDST).

To review our privacy statement click here.

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HSV Head Office
Walkinshaw Park, 71 Whiteside Road, Clayton South, Victoria, Australia, 3169

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the employment opportunities available at HSV?

As HSV is not a large corporate organisation, employment opportunities are limited. When an employment opportunity does become available, it is usually advertised online through sites such as Seek or LinkedIn.

Applications for employment can be sent to:

  • HSV Employment Opportunities
    Walkinshaw Park, 71 Whiteside Road, Clayton South, Victoria, Australia, 3169

How can I order apparel and merchandise?

You can browse, and purchase, a range of apparel and merchandise on our online shop.

Apparel and merchandise is also available through our HSV Parts & Service Centres and at V8 Supercar race meetings.

Can I download HSV pictures and logos from this site?

HSV allows all images available on this site to be used for personal use only.

HSV does not allow for the use of images for any commercial profit. If you are using HSV images on your website, you must email for permission, guidance on the correct use of logos and to provide you with any additional information that may be required.

How can I check if my HSV is authentic?

We are pleased to be able to provide an online authentication service. HSV can confirm the authenticity of your vehicle from the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and HSV Build Number.

An official Certificate of Authenticity with HSV Compendium can be purchased from HSV at a cost of AU$99.00 including postage and handling. Credit card, bank cheque and money order are accepted.

To authenticate your vehicle click here.

How can I get the radio pin code for my vehicle?

Please go to your local HSV Parts & Service Centre. Radio pin codes are a security code and will not be provided without sighting proof of ownership.

Where can I buy HSV parts and accessories?

HSV’s complete range of maintenance parts and accessories are available through our HSV Parts & Service Centres.

For HSV Parts & Service Centre locations and contact details, please click here.

How can I contact HSV?

All correspondence can be sent to:

  • HSV
    Walkinshaw Park, 71 Whiteside Road, Clayton South, Victoria, Australia, 3169